all of you is welcome here.

Offering a safe space for folx of all identities to heal.

The world is in disarray and our inner worlds can feel just as chaotic.

Pushing through the pain may have worked before, but we know there must be a better way to heal.

I’m so glad you found your way here.

I know how vulnerable it can feel to consider therapy. I also know how healing it can be to have a non-judgmental guide help make sense of the chaos happening in our outer and inner worlds.

Therapy can help. Asking for space to be heard can be hard, especially when society demands you shrink yourself.

All parts of of your identity are welcome breathe, exist, cry, laugh, or just be.

Come on in.

It’s time to take up space.

The world asks you to make yourself the same as everyone else. There’s a kind of trauma that happens for those of us that don’t.

As a queer, Latine psychotherapist, I’m in the business of tearing down oppressive societal norms in my own life and helping folx do the same.

Celia Lugo, LPC

Owner and Psychotherapist

LGBTQ+ Therapy

A safe, affirming space for folx of all sexual and gender identities to access emotional healing.

EMDR Trauma Therapy

An evidence-based method of psychotherapy that is proven to help people heal from traumatic and painful life experiences.

Online Therapy

Offering safe yet connected therapy during the pandemic.